Hemis Blockchain Launch: Key Achievements and Future Plans

The initial launch phase of the Hemis blockchain has been completed. Here’s an overview of the key activities and developments during our launch.

Key Developments

  • Project Introduction and Community Growth: Hemis was introduced to the global community, gaining 1,400 Twitter followers and 900 Discord members, reflecting a growing interest in blockchain decentralization.
  • Blockchain and Technology Developments:
    • Blockchain Launch: The Hemis blockchain was successfully launched.
    • Open Source Initiative: Aligning with our transparency goals, the source code was made open source.
    • Wallet Usage: The Hemis wallet reached users in 134 countries necessitating the expansion of our infrastructure in Africa.
    • Token Distribution: A total of 1,143,000 HMS tokens were distributed:
      • 368,779 HMS tokens to 951 members during the airdrop.
      • 774,221 HMS tokens to those who helped in decentralizing and securing the chain.
  • Security and Integrity:
    • Anti-Cheating Measures: Efforts to prevent airdrop cheating were successfully implemented despite the Hemis airdrop being attacked by sophisticated bad actors.
    • Decentralization: The blockchain achieved full decentralization and is now in complete community control.
  • Community Tools and Resources:
    • Discord Tipbot: A tipbot was launched to enhance community interaction on Discord.
    • Testnet for Training and Development: A new testnet was released to support community education and feature testing.
    • Wallet Enhancements: Based on community feedback, two wallet versions were released to address bugs and add new features.
    • Documentation: Creation of a new wiki containing useful information for all Hemis users.
  • Transparency and Future Planning:
    • Transparent Treasury Management: A clear project treasury process was established.
    • Roadmap Initiation: Work on the Year 1 roadmap commenced, outlining upcoming project phases building to the release of our main features.
  • Exchange Listing:
    • Token Trading: HMS tokens were listed for trading on Xeggex.

Coming Next

Later in Q2 2024: Foundation and Infrastructure Enhancements

  • Build Electrum Infrastructure: Currently in progress, this step is crucial for supporting Trezor hardware and laying the groundwork for future mobile wallet functionalities.
  • Wallet Release: We are set to release an updated wallet with bug fixes and GUI improvements.
  • Release Trezor Hardware Support: Ensuring our community has robust security options for managing their HMS tokens.

Q3 2024: Decentralization and Mobile Accessibility

  • Gamemaster Private Testnet: Begin testing the Gamemaster nodes in a controlled environment to ensure stability and functionality.
  • Gamemaster Public Testnet: Open up Gamemaster testing to the wider community for broader input and stress testing.
  • Release Gamemasters: Officially launch the Gamemaster nodes on the Hemis blockchain.
  • Hemis Mobile Wallet Release: Expand accessibility with the release of a mobile wallet, allowing users to manage their tokens conveniently on mobile devices.
  • Hemis Wallet Release (Deterministic Keys): Introduce a wallet update that includes support for deterministic keys, enhancing security and wallet recovery options.

Q4 2024: Advancing Transaction Technologies

  • Probabilistic Transaction (PTX) Private Testnet: Start private testing of probabilistic transactions to ensure their integrity and performance.
  • Probabilistic Transaction (PTX) Public Testnet: Open up PTX testing to the public, allowing for extensive community involvement and feedback.

Q1 2025: Integration of PTX

  • Hemis Wallet Release – Probabilistic Transactions: Release an update to the Hemis wallet that incorporates probabilistic transaction functionalities allowing the first games to be created on the Hemis platform.

Each phase of our roadmap is designed to bring us closer to achieving a decentralized gaming platform that meets the needs of our users and sets new standards in blockchain gaming. Questions or queries? Join our Discord server and we’ll be glad to assist.

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