Roadmap Update for Hemis

We are committed to maintaining transparency with our community regarding the progress and timelines of the Hemis project. Today, we need to inform you about adjustments to our previously announced roadmap. Overview of Changes Our project has encountered delays due to a combination of team health issues and initial planning…

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Hemis & Scalability – How much do we need?

Scalability remains a paramount challenge for blockchain projects, especially for platforms specialising in gaming like Hemis. The term ‘transactions per second’ (TPS) measures how many transactions a network can handle each second, a critical indicator of its efficiency and usability. For gaming platforms, high TPS can enhance user experience by…

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Why Hemis is Committed to Decentralisation

At Hemis, our commitment to decentralisation is foundational. We believe that a robust, decentralised network is the key to a secure and enduring blockchain. Here’s a closer look at why decentralisation is at the heart of everything we do. Enhanced Security and Resilience A decentralised network, by its very nature,…

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Hemis Blockchain Launch: Key Achievements and Future Plans

The initial launch phase of the Hemis blockchain has been completed. Here’s an overview of the key activities and developments during our launch. Key Developments Coming Next Later in Q2 2024: Foundation and Infrastructure Enhancements Q3 2024: Decentralization and Mobile Accessibility Q4 2024: Advancing Transaction Technologies Q1 2025: Integration of…

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The New Hemis Testnet

We’re excited to announce the launch of a new testnet for the Hemis blockchain. This development marks a significant milestone in our journey towards releasing Gamemaster nodes and Probabilistic Transactions (PTX). What is a Testnet? A testnet, short for “test network,” is an essential tool in blockchain development. It’s a…

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