If you need any help with any of the steps bellow you can contact the Core team on discord


Re-syncing a blockchain wallet in Linux can be necessary if your wallet is not displaying the correct balance or transaction history. Here are the general steps to re-sync your blockchain wallet:

1. Backup Your Wallet:
Before you do anything, ensure you have a backup of your wallet. This typically involves exporting your walletโ€™s private keys or seed phrases. Follow the walletโ€™s specific instructions for backing up.

2. Locate the Wallet Data Folder:
The location of the wallet data folder varies, depending on the wallet software you are using.
or if you are a user on a linux vps it could be

Make sure the wallet application is completely closed before proceeding.
to check that its not running

ps -xa | grep Hemisd
if you get something like this
89491 pts/1 S+ 0:00 grep –color=auto Hemisd
then your good to carry on

4. Delete files / folders:
Navigate to the data folder and delete the following files / folders
make sure your in the .Hemis folder and run
rm -Rf budget.dat db.log fee_estimates.dat gmmetacache.dat netrequests.dat banlist.dat chainstate debug.log gmpayments.dat llmq peers.dat zerocoin blocks database evodb gmcache.dat mempool.dat sporks

5. Restart the Wallet Application:
Open your wallet application again. This will force the application to start re-downloading the blockchain from scratch. Depending on the size of the blockchain and your internet connection, this process can take some time.

6. Wait for Sync to Complete:
Allow the wallet to fully re-sync with the network. This can take several hours to several days, depending on the blockchain size and your systemโ€™s capabilities.

7. Verify:
Once the wallet is fully synced, verify that your balance and transaction history are correct.

8. Import Backup (if needed):
If you had to create a new wallet data folder and didnโ€™t restore your backup initially, you may need to import your private keys or seed phrases to regain access to your funds.

Additional Tips:
Always ensure your wallet software is up-to-date to benefit from the latest features and security improvement.
Always refer to the specific instructions provided by the Hemis Core Team, as the steps may vary depending on the platform and version you are using. If you encounter issues or need specific help, check the walletโ€™s official support resources or forums.